whew,, that is a lot to take in for my old feeble mind,, but such good food for thought and much much prayer. .Thank you Jeff for the depth and insights to what happened at the SBC convention, and the definitions of the constitution and amendments, and documents, , and the differences between, complementarianism, and egalitarianism,, ooofff dah, big words.. I couldnt help but wonder , what about Patriarchy??? I agree with you about the changes that need to be made,, there is much work to do biblically if the SBC wants to be truly faithful to scripture.. much much work. And the power of the Holy Spirit to be faithful to scripture..
whew,, that is a lot to take in for my old feeble mind,, but such good food for thought and much much prayer. .Thank you Jeff for the depth and insights to what happened at the SBC convention, and the definitions of the constitution and amendments, and documents, , and the differences between, complementarianism, and egalitarianism,, ooofff dah, big words.. I couldnt help but wonder , what about Patriarchy??? I agree with you about the changes that need to be made,, there is much work to do biblically if the SBC wants to be truly faithful to scripture.. much much work. And the power of the Holy Spirit to be faithful to scripture..