Another year ended. You know what that means. In addition to fireworks, ball drops, and resolutions for next year, it’s time for (drumroll) THE TOP POSTS OF 2024!
I’m really grateful for your readership this past year. Notes from the Trail continues to grow in support, subscribers and traffic. Thank you! If you’re a free subscriber, perhaps as a resolution, you’ll consider becoming a paid subscriber for a few months? It would make my day and encourage my writing! (I’ve got exciting updates about a book project that I’m sooooo close to being done that you’ll hear about!)
Top 10 Posts of 2024
Here are the 10 most trafficked blog posts from 2023, with #10 being the most-read. If you see one that you haven’t read, I hope you’ll give it a read. Also, remember that sharing the posts on your social media helps promote the blog as well!
After I identify readers’ favorite posts, I’ll highlight a few others I wrote this year that I enjoyed writing.
The importance of Christmas boredom (Dec 14)
When was the last time you sat down and were quietly bored on purpose? Christmas is an ideal time to be "bored." Here's why.
Book review: Three more books to consider (June 3)
Here are three books that each offer some great insights. One focuses on Christian discipleship, and the other two on significant cultural issues that require a lens of wisdom to interpret.
Not for neutral (Feb 8)
Cars have a gear called “neutral.” In order to move forward when in neutral, you have to have an outside force working upon the car. What if Christians think they have a neutral gear when they don't?
How I journal (and why I review it) and the call to rescue (Nov 2)
I’ve journaled for years, but last year I began a process of reviewing my journal entries every Saturday morning. Here’s how and why I did it. It may just encourage you to see the incredible value of reading your own journals.
Why the Democrats lost (Nov 25)
While many are still stunned that Donald Trump won the 2024 elections, for those not in partisan echo chambers and who receive their news from other sources than the MSM, it was no surprise. The past four years have been, well, horrible for the nation. Here's my take.
Merry Christmas from the Nobles 2024 (Dec 23)
This post was simply our Christmas card from this year, but after sharing it on Facebook, it got a lot of traction. Thanks for the love!
Pocket This: Reflections on Jen Hatmaker, spiritual authority and Christian ignorance (Feb 24)
I took a journey on the Segue Bus after reading a 10+ year-old article about Jen Hatmaker that made me laugh. Set aside about 20 minutes and take this journey with me through articles and observations with the benefit of hindsight.
Leave your Shire (Jan 22)
As much as we may enjoy watching other people have adventures, brave challenges and risk their lives from the safety of a screen, there's one colossal epic that has our names written in it. Non-participation is not an option. We have to leave our Shires.
Reflections on the Southern Baptist Convention 2024 annual meeting (June 21)
After 37 years as a Southern Baptist minister, I attended my first SBC annual meeting. I wasn't disappointed. Here's my takeaways.
And the most trafficked post of 2024?
No sidelines in this election (Sept 21)
With six weeks left before the election, this post was written for those desiring to vote as a Christian. I proposed that it may have required an understanding of shrewdness and the "proximate."
Which post did you enjoy from this past year?
I’d love to hear from you. Leave a comment!
Personal Likes
While the above ten posts got the most site traffic last year, here are five more posts that I enjoyed writing and would classify as being worth reading/revisiting. While some of my favorites are not yours, blog traffic doesn’t lie. That’s the way the web cookie crumbles in blogging.
Our Story: A volcano, Cotton Blossoms and Hokies (Dec 19)
After a long hiatus from writing in the Our Story series, I posted another entry that covers a jam-packed year in 2009 that still makes our head spin.How to choose a toilet (Sept 2)
Don’t flush again until you read this post. An epic trip to Lowes resulted in a powerful potty.Danger: Luxury Warning (April 29)
Where luxury lives, chaos is sure to follow. Here's some cautionary thoughts about entitlement, greed and how to nagivate affluence.Who loves you? (Feb 14)
Is there someone whose attention and affection you crave? What do you do to earn a head turn? What can you do to turn their heart? In a surprise twist, your desire for their love can be fulfilled - but only by loving another first.The unsettling assassination attempt of Donald Trump (July 18)
Matters of fueled hatred must be replaced by meaningful, faithful humility. May we pray that leaders rise up who will repent and lead a nation to healing and unity.
Other Top Posts Entries
If you’ve enjoyed what you’ve read, try taking a history tour. Read the #1 post from these “Top Posts” entries:
Reflections on the Southern Baptist Convention, I printed it out and gave it to the elders/pastors of my church because non of them went to the convention so I wanted to share with them what happened there. They really appreciated it. And I was blessed to be able to know what is going on with the convention. Thank you Jeff