Sitemap - 2008 - Jeff Noble - "Notes from the Trail"

Experiencing intercession

Merry Christmas 2008!

The New Testament Project

Health latest...

Where we are

Review: The Present Future (rated 3 stars)

Video from CEE

"As you help us by your prayers"

We're Elfed... again

Review: Holding Fast (rated 4 stars)

Everyone's a-Twitter

Doctor update

Review: Searching for God Knows What (rated 4 stars)

Worship services of significance

Review: In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day


Christmas decorating

Interview with the Pakistani Spectator

Giving thanks

Grace Point Church

Today's stop: surgeon consultation

"But others were tortured..."

Blog redesign itch

Operation Christmas Child 08

Review: A God-Entranced Vision of All Things

Biopsy results...

Renewal Gathering at Journey

You still worried about election results?

You're invited

Health update and uncertainty

Change in America = Change in the Church

Praying for our new President

I am saying no to Obama on Tuesday

Another week, another rummage

I'm responsible...

Age of Conversation 2 out today!

Tom Elliff preaching at ABSC


Rummage sold


New Mac commercials point out excessive Windows ad campaign

Try Popego

Reflections and redirections

Interview with Ed Stetzer

Last day in Krakow

Krakow Day 6

Krakow Day 5 - Free time

St. Mary's Basilica

Interview with Mark

Interview with Rick White

Krakow-Day 4, the meeting, Czech Republic

Krakow - Day 4, the meeting, Hungary part 2

Krakow Day 4 - the meeting, Hungary vision

Krakow Day 3

Krakow Day 2

Krakow Day 1

Poland bound

Creative church commercial

Biased "fact"-checkers

Review: Breaking the Missional Code

Bailout passes

Integrity matters

You're going to eat this... and LIKE it

SEC adopts (partially) mark-to-market fix

Senate schedules a vote on bailout

Fired up

Bailout bondage

Free from absorption

At OBU's Pastor Conference

What I'm up to

Review: The Election (rated 3 stars)

Watch DOGS kickoff

Review: Jesus, An Intimate Portrait (rated 3 stars)

The scooter that love bought

Yearbook Yourself

The lights are on

Blogging in the dark

New wheels (again)

Getting perspective

The expansion of local news

Scooter life

Review: Red (rated 5 stars)

Review: The Shack (rated 4 stars)

The Clutter-Free Campaign

Turtles and pool parties

Apple History

Review: Death in the City (rated 4 stars)


Lake life

Glorieta 08: Wednesday summary

Glorieta 08: Monday night message

Secret Church

Glorieta 08: Monday teaching reflections, 2

Glorieta 08: Monday teaching reflections, 1

Glorieta 08, Day 2

Glorieta 08, Day 1

Glorieta 08: Sunday messages

Age of Conversation 2 due next month!

Tumblr or Swurl

Glorieta Bound, 2008

The importance of referring blog entries

Stolen scooters and loss of security

Audio: How Important is Church Membership?

Global warming not man-made

Getting serious about blogging, 2

Review: The Great Divorce (rated 4 stars)

iPhone 2.0 officially jailbroken

Getting serious about blogging

Review: Swurl

Two new Bibles...

Loopt vs. Whrrl

iPhone Dev Team ready with jailbreak

Review: The Reformed Pastor

Six hours after iPhone 2.0

iPhone 2.0 updated!

A Ghost of a chance

Jaiku joins with Google - may trump Twitter

Sunset at the ballpark

Stolen wheels

Sibling Pool Smacks

An informal survey of the unchurched

A failed attempt at lunch

Review: Revolution in World Missions

Review: BusySync

Rules run amok... (or a $100 lamp)

Effective Evangelism

Busy weekend

Review: A Year of Living Biblically (rated 4 stars)

UAM BCM Highlight Video, 2001-2002

Best headlines from WWDC 08

Adios Twitter, for now...

Evangelical Manifesto

Family camp picture featured in news magazine

News fatigued?

Stand up!

Saving time for what...

Zune flushed

Spanning ministry generations

Review: Prince Caspian (rated 5 stars)

Macintosh myths

The chapter that wasn't

iPhone ringtones won't ring

Graduation in Stephenville

Curve balls

Gas pump relief

Shades releases new iPhone cases...

A refreshing stop: The Coffee Bean

<i>Life Principles for Following Christ</i>

What one does at the airport with no one to pick them up

Wednesday: Exponential: Patrick

Wednesday: Exponential: Hirsch

Tuesday at Exponential

Exponential Day 1

Off to Orlando

My solitary place

Coises, another tag

Blogging from jott....

Coffee press for a perfect evening

On living biblically

Jesus takes the wheel of <i>American Idol</i>

Review: Getting Things Done

U.S. has slowest "high speed" internet?

What's your homepage?

Mourning duck damage

Stealing from a church?

First-time blogging and Tumblr

Rain and preaching

Wordpress theme winner, blog commenting, and networking

Compiling social website lifestreams

Got a vision? Sit on it.

Review: Charlie Bone, Midnight for Charlie Bone (rated 3 stars)

The Age of Conversation

Review: The Fifth Discipline

Review: Preaching the Cross (rated 4 stars)

Lifestream plugins

New look for <i>Notes</i> - one stop updating for all services


The joy of collegiate ministry

Apple and video gaming

Harmony Church in Greenville, NC

It's snowing... again!

iPhone SDK event and implications

New do

Why go to church?

Redesign itch

Review: The Kneeling Christian (rated 4 stars)

World Evangelization Map

Open our eyes

Jailbreak Saga 2.0

Passion 08 and the flu

Keep up the good work

Fancy's last chance

Review: The Spiderwick Chronicles, Books 1-5 (rated 3 stars)

The Lausanne Covenant

Trunk monkey

Review: The Incredible Invention of Hugo Cabret (rated 4 stars)

Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (rated 5 stars)

Imitate me?

Joy in cleaning commodes

Raising money for a Mac Mini at church


My iPhone jailbreak saga

Jobs not jobs... (Macworld '08)

Review: The Eye of the World (rated 5 stars)

2008 Resolutions

Ben Coulter featured on KSSN website

Review: Lifestyle Evangelism